Walk the path of the Ancestors.

Connect with the Sacred Land through ceremony,
story, sacred drama and shamanic journeying.

  • Priestess of the Sacred Land Training Programme

  • Irish Goddess Workshops

  • Wheel of the Year Workshops

  • Shamanic Storytelling

  • Rites of Passage Ceremony

  • Use of Irish Language for Ceremony

  • Storytelling Performance and
    Art of Storytelling Classes

COIRE SOIS (Cauldron of Knowledge)
- School of Irish Spirituality, is dedicated to
passing on the wisdom of the Ancestors
to those seeking to connect with
authentic Irish Pagan practice,
drawing inspiration and guidance from
Irish Mythology and the Bardic Texts.

It offers workshops and vocational training,
in person and online, with a focus on
practical, experiential work.

We’re Back!


Hi all,

sincere apologies for the very long hiatus since last updating this website. Delighted to be back, and hope that some of you have been keeping up to date through the COIRE SOIS Facebook page, @coiresois on Instagram, and CoireSOIS School of Irish Spirituality on Patreon.

Priestess Training 2024, both in person and online Hybrid courses, will complete at Spring Equinox 2025. New intake for both Irish-based and overseas students will take place in April 2025, with free introductory Zoom session in March 2025. If you are interested, please make contact in February 2025 through the “Contact COIRE SOIS” button with subject “Priestess Training”. All queries regarding scheduling, content, level of commitment required, and costs will be shared at the introductory session. It is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

For those who have completed COIRE SOIS Priestess Training and are now ordained, there will be an opportunity in 2025 to participate in Level 2/Spiritual Celebrancy Training, provided there has been at least six months of processing time since your ordination.

COIRE SOIS Patreon is up and running. Wheel of the Year Workshops are now run exclusively on Patreon on Willow tier at a nominal subscription of €1 per month. Other tiers offer a monthly mythological storytelling recording and a monthly Otherworld journey recording. You can check it out using link above.

Workshops (Weekend or One Day) can be provided in your area for any group of six or more. Please contact if interested.

Also available:

  • Mythological Storytelling Sessions/Workshops (by request).

  • Priestess Deirdre Wadding, Spiritual Celebrant, to officiate Baby Blessings, Handfastings, Memorials, and other Rites of Passage. Details on request.

New from COIRE SOIS!

Gift Vouchers!

Now you can treat a friend to a COIRE SOIS Workshop experience.


Why not ask a loved one to give you one as a gift?

Just a note: It appears some of you are having trouble emailing via the Contact Us button on the Website. It seems for some reason that the platform requires you to register/login to an intermediary service (the Mail app). If you prefer not to do this on future occasions, just email direct to nilebird9@yahoo.co.uk, but please put Heading "COIRE SOIS" in the Subject Field for quickest response.


Deirdre 💚🌳🌿