

Shamanic Storytelling

Exploring Irish Mythology and Our Connection to These Ancient Stories
Through Shamanic Journeying Into the Mythological Landscape.


Rites of Passage Ceremony

  • Handfasting

  • Baby Blessing/Naming

  • Coming of Age

  • Funeral/Memorial

All Ceremonies Customised
in Consultation with Clients to Suit
Their Specific Needs and Wishes


Use of Irish Language for Ceremony

“Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam.” A country without a language, a country without a soul.

I believe it is very important when practising Irish Paganism to at least have some words of Irish. The use of Irish for invoking and opening and closing a ceremonial circle is woven into the Priestess Training Programme, but is also available as a workshop.


Storytelling Performance and Art of Storytelling Classes

Although the Bardic Art is closely interlinked with spiritual practice for Deirdre, these services are available independently of the Irish Pagan workshops. Deirdre is a professional storyteller, with a lifelong love of Irish mythology, who enjoys sharing stories with groups of all ages in all kinds of settings. Classes are available in the Art of Storytelling, facilitating and inspiring those who wish to craft stories for oral retelling.

Available by request for any group of six or more.
