Stepping into the 21st Century

Hi all,

as a teacher of Irish Pagan practice, I spend a lot of time immersed in ancient stories and connecting with ancient sites, so it’s been a bit of a challenge to face into full engagement with 21st century technology. Huge thanks are due to my son Tuan Wadding Hayes, without whom this website would never have happened.

Very excited by this new channel of communication, and look forward to updating you all on online classes and workshops in the pipeline.

Current priority, however, is to move on with the ordination ceremony for graduating students from the Priestess of the Sacred Land Training Programme. Originally, due to be ordained on the 25th of March, but COVID-19 intervened. Delighted that after their long wait, they will finally be ordained on the Hill of Uisneach on the 5th of August.

It is my fervent hope that the in-person Priestess training programme, Year 1 and Year 2, will recommence in September at the Irish National Heritage Park.

Online classes and workshops will also commence in September. Dates to be published next month.

Last item on the agenda, exciting new collaboration coming up around Samhain RE: Wheel of the Year workshops online. More on that soon.

Hoping you all managed to catch a glimpse of beautiful comet NEOWISE, which will not return for another 6,800 years. Sadly, I think those of you in the Southern Hemisphere may miss out, but keep an eye out for very bright Saturn and Jupiter.

Header photo of my son Tuan and I stargazing and comet-watching taken by my daughter Saoirse Wadding Hayes on the 16th of July, 2020.

